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Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Where to go, what to do..........

Time to flesh out an outline to go by come November the First. Funny, it would sure be easy to use the couple starts I’ve made here before for NaNoWriMo. The one time I got up to 25 or 30K. But as I told my favorite grocery clerk today at Safeway today, that would be cheating.

I’ve done story starts before that were about the Catholic Church as a vampire cult. IT was fun, it included BDSM, and funky characters along with quirky dialogue. So now I have to come up with something else that is completely different. Or at least sorta different. I can tell I’ll be giving MS Word the usual fits as I do this. J I’m not terribly in love with the usual structure and rules of the English language and tend to simply ignore them on purpose so that the voice I’m using is my own.

SO let’s see………

I can write about things I know or am interested in.







Pushing the envelope

Nuclear Physics


Interpersonal relationships

The life I can’t remember

Interconnected cell phone networks that act to influence world events. J

That’ll do it for today, I’ll work on more tomorrow after I’ve thought about it a bit.


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